Arnolfo di Cambio II

29 10 2012

Black and white photograph of a sculpture of Arnolfo di Cambio. Taken in the morning light by the Duomo in Florence, Italy

Arnolfo di Cambio IX

27 04 2010
Arnolfo di Cambio IX sculpture Florence Piazza del Duomo by Luigi Pampaloni, Firenze, Florence, Italy

Hand coloured digital photograph of a Luigi Pampaloni sculpture. The featured Tuscan sculptor and architect, Arnolfio di Cambio, worked in Florence in the 13th century . I painted the colours of di Cambio as they might have been - not necessarily as they were. Update: 7 Aug 2010 - The photography for this image was take just after sunrise in Florence, 2009. Digitally coloured April 2010.

Beat the Centaur IX

21 01 2010

Hercules beating the centaur Nessus after Jean Boulogne's sculpture in Florence, Italy, with digitally hand painted sky. Copyright Robert Corkery, 2010.